Thursday, 2 June 2016

Oracle Database 11g - Creating A New User

Hello everybody!

Creating a new user in Oracle 11g is not too complicated. You just follow these steps below. Before that if you want to have a look at installing Oracle 11g Express Edition on Window just click here.

STEP1 - Connect as a SYSTEM USER

Open SQL command line and type this:
connect / as sysdba

STEP 2 - Create A New User

create user SELEN identified by password;

We wanted a new user whose user name is SELEN and password is password. (the most secure password ever!:D)

STEP 3 - Grant Permissions To The New User

Now we need to give some permissions and privileges to this new user.

grant create session to SELEN ;
grant create table to SELEN ;
grant create view to SELEN ;

These grants are the basic ones that your new user will need for sure. With these your user can connect to the database, create and view a table, make changes on the table. If your user needs more privileges than these, you can find more information about grants on google. I just wanted to write the basic ones so that it will be a quick guide.

STEP 4 - And TADA!

When you try to connect with this brand new user, you will see something similar to this:

Hope to see you in the next blog post!


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