Thursday, 13 October 2016

JSP Servlet Login Logout Register Application MVC Approach - Part 2

Hello everybody!

Welcome to the second part of the post! You can see the Part 1 here. Let's get on with the project.

We can now create all the jsp pages. Some of these pages will be page templates and some of them will be sending form information to the Servlets that we created in the previous post.

Friday, 7 October 2016

JSP Servlet Login Logout Register Application MVC Approach - Part 1

Hello everybody,

I recently developed a basic login logout register application using JSP and Servlets. This time I wanted to use MVC in the project structure. So that the project is easy to handle, extend and change. This will be relatively long post, so I will try to divide it into two or more parts.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Servlet Login Logout Example Using Session

Hello everybody!

Here is the second version of the "Servlet Login Logout Example". This time I used session instead of cookies. The code and the appearance of the pages are pretty such the same with the first version. I will still add everything here to provide an easy flow for you.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

"Eclipse Failed To Load The JNI Shared Library" Error

Hello everybody,

My beloved Eclipse has been giving me this error since yesterday after I installed a software. While installing the new software, I must have changed some setting without noticing. So today I was determined to solve this problem because I want to keep working on my new project. After some searches on Google, I found the solution.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Servlet Login Logout Example Using Cookies

Hello everybody!

There is a project I developed quite some time ago - Simple Servlet Login Logout Example Using Cookies. Using some controls, I checked if the user logged in before reaching a certain page. There is no database connection in this project so do not keep your hopes too high :D I will only share basic points about cookies in the project. Because the rest is not a big deal. You can benefit more from my other project explanation posts if you are interested in the rest.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Beer Suggestion Application - Head First Servlet and JSP Book

Hello everybody!

When I first started to teach myself about Servlet and JSP(because these two are like JavaEE-101), I was looking for a reference book that can give me the logic and make me understand everything clearly. That book is "Head First Servlets and JSP". So I definitely recommend this book if you are new to JavaEE and looking for somewhere to start or you are preparing for an exam. I read this book now and then and tried to experiment all the small task the book gives to readers. One of those tasks was "Beer Suggestion Project" which is very basic yet again very suitable for beginners. Here in this post you can find that project(you can also find it in the book though :)).

My project structure was like below at the end.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

MySQL Connection in Eclipse(Install, Connect and Test)

Hello everyone!

I have started a new project in which I am planing to use JSF, Primefaces and DB features. But this time I want to use MySQL instead of Oracle 11g in my project. I posted some entries about Oracle 11g while I was learning about it during the development of previous Java EE projects. I believe switching to and tackling MySQL will do huge benefits. Hope you can find what you have been looking for in this post too!

Monday, 1 August 2016

Simple JSF Project Using PrimeFaces

Hello everybody!

This time we are going to use managed bean class and Primefaces UI component alongside our JSF framework. To see how to add Primefaces to your project, you can have look at here.

Firstly, create a new dynamic project and do not forget to add JSF and Primefaces libraries. The final project structure will look like below:

Adding PrimeFaces Into Your JSF Project

Hello everybody!

To start working with PrimeFaces, you should first download "primefaces-6.0.jar" from this link. There will be elite and community versions. You will want the community version.

First Simple JSF Application

Hello everybody!

The very first and very simple JSF project that we are going to develop will take the user name from the client and display it on the other page.

The project structure will be like below. After creating the JSF project, we will simply add two xhtml files and alter web.xml file. That's all.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Create and Save a Page Template in Eclipse

Hello everybody!

I have been working on JSF recently. Whenever I want to create a new XHTML file that I am going to use JSF in it, I have to declare JSF namespace on the top of each XHTML file. So to make this easier we can simply create our own templates in Eclipse and use it when we need.

Intagrating Tomcat to the Eclipse Environment

Hello everbody!

After installing Apache Tomcat and Eclipse, connecting these two is not a big deal. You need to simply follow the following steps. To view my post about how to install Apache Tomcat please go here.


Start Eclipse and go to the tab "Servers". Initially as we have no servers yet, this tab will be empty. Click the link to create a new server as shown below.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Getting Started With JSF - Preparing The Environent and Creating the First JSF Application

Hello everybody!

This post will be something like "Introduction to JSF" :) So if you are new to JSF, I think this is a good place for you to start.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

JSTL Tags and Functions

Hello everybody!

While working on one of my projects, I tried to use JSTL tags and found it very useful in terms of efficiency. So I thought getting into more details and preparing a post about JSTL would be nice.

JSTL stands for "JSP Standard Tag Library". These tags and functions help you write your codes more simple and efficient. JSTL provides a faster development as it has many simplified tags. We also benefit from code reusability.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Servlet and JSP Q&A - Part 2

Hello everybody!

Here is the second part of the Q&A post. You can view the Part 1 from here.

Q17)What are advantages of using JSP?

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Servlet and JSP Q&A - Part 1

Hello everybody!

I have been working on Servlets and Jsp recently. I have developed a few projects to get familiar with these subjects. While working on my projects, I read quite a few books, watched videos and often had some search on forums to understand what I have been doing better and also to find some answers to my questions. As a result, I now have good(but not perfect of course) knowledge base related to Servlet and Jsp. So I thought creating a Q&A post about Servlet and Jsp would be very useful to keep this information on record and also to help those who are trying to get a little bit more into these subjects. So I hope you benefit from this post too!

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

How To Connect Oracle 11g Express Edition to Eclipse

Hello everybody!

Let's see how to connect Oracle 11g Express Edition that we just installed (here is the guide for installaton) to Eclipse.


Download the compatible ojdbc.jar from this link. Put it somewhere on your computer. I placed mine under "C:\ojdbc" folder.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

How to Install Oracle 11g Express Edition on Windows

Hello everybody!

You can find a quick step by step guide about installing Oracle 11g Express Edition on Windows here. I hope it is useful for you!


Go to this link to download Oracle 11g Express Edition. First accept the licence agreement and then click on whichever version is compatible with your operating system. I will go with Windows x64.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Oracle Database 11g How To Set "Auto Increment"

Hello everbody!

Setting auto increment property in Oracle 11g is a little bit different from way that I am used to with other databases. There is no such keyword as auto_increment in Oracle 11g. We have to achieve it by using the codes below.

Oracle 11g - A Solution To The Password Will Expire Error - ORA-28002

Hello everbody!

Today I have seen an error which tells me my Oracle 11g database user's password will expire in a day! So I had to sort this out before I did any work with the database. I also decided to write a blog post about the solution. Here we go.. This is the error message I got and here is the solution.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Oracle Database 11g - Creating A New User

Hello everybody!

Creating a new user in Oracle 11g is not too complicated. You just follow these steps below. Before that if you want to have a look at installing Oracle 11g Express Edition on Window just click here.

STEP1 - Connect as a SYSTEM USER

Open SQL command line and type this:
connect / as sysdba

Friday, 27 May 2016

Very Simple Example to a Servlet - Hello World Servlet

Hello everybody!

I am going to show you how to write your very first servlet code. So if you are new and looking for a easy yet useful start, you are in the right place.This is the code I wrote a few months ago when I started to get familiar with servlets, jsp, jsf and database operations. So a couple of more posts related to these subjects will be posted probably not too far from now. Let's get started.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

How To Check JDK Version Installed On Your System

Hello everbody!

This will be a quick guide about how to learn which version of JDK installed on your system. So very easy. Go to the command window and then type "java -version". It will give you the information about the version of your installed JDK.

If they are missing on your system, go to to download them.

Hope to see you in the next blog post!


Let's Install and Configure Apache Tomcat on Windows

Hello everybody!

Here is a quick and easy guide for you to install and configure Apache Tomcat on your Windows system. I will try to explain it step by step so that you can follow them easily.


First of all, we need to sure that we have latest versions of jre and jdk installed on our systems. If they are missing on your system, go to to download them. If you want to check my other post about how to check JDK version on your system, you can find it here.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Solutions To A Very Common Error in Eclipse : "Java was started but returned exit code=13"

Hello everybody!

Yesterday I encountered this problem after I updated the java on my laptop. It was definitely not the first time I have seen that error message and I know it is a bit annoying. So I thought I could write a short blog post about the solutions to this problem. I hope this entry is useful for you too!

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Hello and Welcome!

Hello everybody!

I have just started my blog and wanted to write a "Hello Message" to you all. I know there will not be many people reading this for a quiet while. But still :)

I am planing to share all of my IT related works, projects and researches here. Some will be my prior works and some will be brand new. I am hoping these will be useful for both myself in terms of career progression and to the reader especially the ones who are new to coding and IT.

Thank you for reading and welcome to my blog.

Hope to see you in the next blog post.
