Friday, 27 May 2016

Very Simple Example to a Servlet - Hello World Servlet

Hello everybody!

I am going to show you how to write your very first servlet code. So if you are new and looking for a easy yet useful start, you are in the right place.This is the code I wrote a few months ago when I started to get familiar with servlets, jsp, jsf and database operations. So a couple of more posts related to these subjects will be posted probably not too far from now. Let's get started.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

How To Check JDK Version Installed On Your System

Hello everbody!

This will be a quick guide about how to learn which version of JDK installed on your system. So very easy. Go to the command window and then type "java -version". It will give you the information about the version of your installed JDK.

If they are missing on your system, go to to download them.

Hope to see you in the next blog post!


Let's Install and Configure Apache Tomcat on Windows

Hello everybody!

Here is a quick and easy guide for you to install and configure Apache Tomcat on your Windows system. I will try to explain it step by step so that you can follow them easily.


First of all, we need to sure that we have latest versions of jre and jdk installed on our systems. If they are missing on your system, go to to download them. If you want to check my other post about how to check JDK version on your system, you can find it here.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Solutions To A Very Common Error in Eclipse : "Java was started but returned exit code=13"

Hello everybody!

Yesterday I encountered this problem after I updated the java on my laptop. It was definitely not the first time I have seen that error message and I know it is a bit annoying. So I thought I could write a short blog post about the solutions to this problem. I hope this entry is useful for you too!

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Hello and Welcome!

Hello everybody!

I have just started my blog and wanted to write a "Hello Message" to you all. I know there will not be many people reading this for a quiet while. But still :)

I am planing to share all of my IT related works, projects and researches here. Some will be my prior works and some will be brand new. I am hoping these will be useful for both myself in terms of career progression and to the reader especially the ones who are new to coding and IT.

Thank you for reading and welcome to my blog.

Hope to see you in the next blog post.
